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Expandable Animated Card Slider

Card Img

An expandable animated card slider is a UI element that can be created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows for the presentation of multiple cards in a horizontal or vertical slider format. Each card contains various content such as images, text, or media, and offers the ability to expand or collapse to reveal additional information.

This slider provides an interactive and engaging way to showcase information or products. By interacting with the slider through clicks or swipes, the cards smoothly transition to display the next or previous card with a visually appealing animation effect. This enhances the user experience and adds a visually pleasing touch to the slider.

Furthermore, the cards within the slider can be expanded to show more content. By clicking or tapping on a specific card, it expands and reveals hidden information. This expansion can be accompanied by a seamless animation or transition, resulting in an intuitive user experience.

The expandable animated card slider is a versatile component that can be customized to suit different design styles and purposes. It is suitable for creating image galleries, product showcases, news or blog sliders, or any other type of content that can benefit from a compact and interactive display. By utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, developers can create dynamic and visually appealing sliders that enhance the overall user experience on websites or web applications.


I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.

HTML – Starter Template

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

    <!-- Required meta tags -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <!-- CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <title>Animated Expandable Crad HTML CSS & JS - Anoncodes</title>

    <!-- Further code here -->

     <script src="script.js"></script>


Paste the below code in your <body> tag.

<section class="game-section">
  <h2 class="line-title">trending games</h2>
  <div class="owl-carousel custom-carousel owl-theme">
    <div class="item active" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <h3>Dota 2</h3>
        <p>Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena by Valve. The game is a sequel to Defense of the
          Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>
    <div class="item" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <h3>The Witcher 3</h3>
        <p>The Witcher 3 is a multiplayer online battle arena by Valve. The game is a sequel to Defense
          of the Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>
    <div class="item" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <h3>RDR 2</h3>
        <p>RDR 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena by Valve. The game is a sequel to Defense of the
          Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>
    <div class="item" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <h3>PUBG Mobile</h3>
        <p>PUBG 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena by Valve. The game is a sequel to Defense of the
          Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>
    <div class="item" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <p>Battle royale where 100 players fight to be the last person standing. which was a community-created mod
          for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>
    <div class="item" style="background-image: url(;">
      <div class="item-desc">
        <h3>Far Cry 5</h3>
        <p>Far Cry 5 is a 2018 first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft.
          which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III.</p>

CSS Code

Create a file style.css and paste the code below.

@charset "utf-8";

/******* Fonts Import Start **********/
@import url(";700&display=swap");
/********* Fonts Face CSS End **********/

/******* Common Element CSS Start ******/
* {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
body {
  font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;
.clear {
  clear: both;
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  border: 0px;
ol {
  list-style: none;
a {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: inherit;
  outline: none;
  transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
a:hover {
  text-decoration: none;
  outline: none;
a:hover {
  color: #e73700;
h2 {
  margin-bottom: 48px;
  padding-bottom: 16px;
  font-size: 20px;
  line-height: 28px;
  font-weight: 700;
  position: relative;
  text-transform: capitalize;
h3 {
  margin: 0 0 10px;
  font-size: 28px;
  line-height: 36px;
/******* Common Element CSS End *********/

/* -------- title style ------- */
.line-title {
  position: relative;
  width: 400px;
.line-title::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  height: 4px;
  border-radius: 2px;
.line-title::before {
  width: 100%;
  background: #f2f2f2;
.line-title::after {
  width: 32px;
  background: #e73700;

/******* Middle section CSS Start ******/
/* -------- Landing page ------- */
.game-section {
  padding: 60px 50px;
.game-section .owl-stage {
  margin: 15px 0;
  display: flex;
  display: -webkit-flex;
.game-section .item {
  margin: 0 15px 60px;
  width: 320px;
  height: 400px;
  display: flex;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  align-items: flex-end;
  -webkit-align-items: flex-end;
  background: #343434 no-repeat center center / cover;
  border-radius: 16px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;
  transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  cursor: pointer;
.game-section {
  width: 500px;
  box-shadow: 12px 40px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
  -webkit-box-shadow: 12px 40px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
.game-section .item:after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 1));
.game-section .item-desc {
  padding: 0 24px 12px;
  color: #fff;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  overflow: hidden;
  transform: translateY(calc(100% - 54px));
  -webkit-transform: translateY(calc(100% - 54px));
  transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
.game-section .item-desc {
  transform: none;
  -webkit-transform: none;
.game-section .item-desc p {
  opacity: 0;
  -webkit-transform: translateY(32px);
  transform: translateY(32px);
  transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out 0.2s;
  -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out 0.2s;
.game-section .item-desc p {
  opacity: 1;
  -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
  transform: translateY(0);
.game-section .owl-theme.custom-carousel .owl-dots {
  margin-top: -20px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 5;
/******** Middle section CSS End *******/

/***** responsive css Start ******/

@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
  h2 {
    margin-bottom: 32px;
  h3 {
    margin: 0 0 8px;
    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 32px;

  /* -------- Landing page ------- */
  .game-section {
    padding: 50px 30px;
  .game-section .item {
    margin: 0 12px 60px;
    width: 260px;
    height: 360px;
  .game-section {
    width: 400px;
  .game-section .item-desc {
    transform: translateY(calc(100% - 46px));
    -webkit-transform: translateY(calc(100% - 46px));

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
  h2 {
    margin-bottom: 32px;
  h3 {
    margin: 0 0 8px;
    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 32px;
  .line-title {
    width: 330px;

  /* -------- Landing page ------- */
  .game-section {
    padding: 50px 30px 40px;
  .game-section .item {
    margin: 0 12px 60px;
    width: 240px;
    height: 330px;
  .game-section {
    width: 360px;
  .game-section .item-desc {
    transform: translateY(calc(100% - 42px));
    -webkit-transform: translateY(calc(100% - 42px));

@media (max-width: 767px) {
  body {
    font-size: 14px;
  h2 {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
  h3 {
    margin: 0 0 8px;
    font-size: 19px;
    line-height: 24px;
  .line-title {
    width: 250px;

  /* -------- Landing page ------- */
  .game-section {
    padding: 30px 15px 20px;
  .game-section .item {
    margin: 0 10px 40px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 280px;
  .game-section {
    width: 270px;
    box-shadow: 6px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
    -webkit-box-shadow: 6px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
  .game-section .item-desc {
    padding: 0 14px 5px;
    transform: translateY(calc(100% - 42px));
    -webkit-transform: translateY(calc(100% - 42px));

Javascript Code

Create a file index.js and paste the code below.

  autoWidth: true,
  loop: true
$(document).ready(function () {
  $(".custom-carousel .item").click(function () {
    $(".custom-carousel .item").not($(this)).removeClass("active");

Written By : @anoncodes

Code Credit : @yudizsolutions

Hope you find this post helpful 💖

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